Flophouse Presents

We drink, we laugh, we talk smack!

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We Upped Our Standards So Up Your!

Bell Atlantic


Episode 16

<p>Flophouse Presents: Bell Atlantic </p> <p>Big things are happening in the lives of ShieldSy and Pickle. ShieldSy can't say words (what else is new). Drinking the Kanye West  Hater-Aid. We talk penis science. </p> <p>email us at Flophousepresents@gmail.com</p> <p id="yui_3_17_2_5_1516975040901_3199">or reach out to us on twitter <a href="http://twitter.com/flophousepre">@FlophousePre</a></p>

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 122.73 MB - Duration: 1:07:01m (256 kbps 44100 Hz)

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